Zero Degrees Bristol - 8 February 2008
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Zero Degrees Bristol, Bristol - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 8 February 2008
Zerodegrees started as a brewery restaurant in 2000 at Blackheath bang on the Greenwich meridian. The Bristol site was opened in 2004
A library shot of the brewery at night with views over Bristol
The Colston Street entrance on a cold winter's morning
The brewery is beside Briatol's famous Christmas Steps amd well signposted
The brewery is well badged from all sides
The Zerodegrees pledge
Malt is pre-crushed by Fawcetts and filled minikegs stored in the windows
A view of the conditioning tanks through the brewplant pipework. Note the grist in the grist case
The 15hL (300kg) two vessel plant is by Velo. The louvred vent is air conditioning. The copper vapour is led away to be condensed
Grist case and wort heat exchanger
The calandria in the mash vessel/copper
The raking gear in the lauter tun
Close up of the lauter tun rakes
A library shot of the lauter tun in action. The loading is 180kg/m2
The mimic display for the brewhouse control system
The wort heat exchanger and the copper condensing main
The wort heat exchanger again
One of the four 10hL fermenters. There are two 20hL as well.
A conditioning/cellar tank showing a plastic bag awaiting filling
The bank of 12 x 10hL tanks by Duotank in Holland
The carbonation control on the cellar tanks
The cellar tanks are connected to the bar via a three way manifold
This valve board is used to changeover tanks
The cellarman's stock board
BTB equipment to fill kegs and Huber mini-kegs
The python pipes coming down to the bar taps
Another view of the bar
Tasting notes are displayed all along the stainless topped bar
Dining with the malt sacks. The restaurant has 220 covers
Brewer Martin Maier served me a glass of his beer