York Brewery - 3 April 2002
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York Brewery, York- Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 3 April 2002
York Brewery was founded by Trust House Forte executives Tony Thomson and Tony Smith in 1995.
A former motor cycle shop and then carpet sale room on Toft Green just off Micklegate was adapted
The brewery was designed by David Smith
A tour cost £4.25
The bar is a 'proprietory club' and you have to sign in. The licensing department did not want another pub on the infamous and daunting Micklegate run!
The York beers
Artefacts abound. Eshaldwell Brewery in Leeds was founded by Henry Bentley. Brewing there ceased in 1972.
Malt is pre-crushed by Thomas Fawcett
The open mash tun and copper clad copper
The tangential sloping bottomed underback
Brewer Nick Webster cleaning the mash tun
Brewer Nick Webster dips the copper by removing the railings on the visitors walkway
There are four 20brl open fermenters
The FVs are cooled by glycol circulating in coils wrapped around the outside. The unit is by ICS
There are ten 10brl conditioning tanks
Another view of the CTs
The CT stock board
A BOC Sureflow Gengas 2000 unit supplies nitrogen for the CTs
Casks are filled directly from FV
The bar cellar
Head Brewer Andrew Whalley and MD Tony Thomson