Hereford & Tredegar Brewery Ltd

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The brewery in 1900.
The brewery in 1900.
Sunlight Brewery

Hereford & Tredegar Brewery Ltd, Imperial Brewery, Bewell Street, Hereford, Herefordshire.

Charles Watkins started in Eign Street as an innkeeper then c.1850 moved to the Imperial Inn, Widemarsh Street, which had a brewhouse. Around 1858 he bought the Hereford Brewery in Bewell Street, previously J C Reynolds, which he then renamed the Imperial Brewery, also using Sunlight Brewery as mainly a brand name. On his retirement in 1898 he sold the firm to the Tredegar Brewery Co.

Registered August 1899 as the Tredegar & Hereford Brewery Co. Ltd. Under the control of Allsopps 1899-1902.

Acquired by the Cheltenham Original Brewery Co. Ltd. 1945 who then changed their name to Cheltenham & Hereford Breweries Ltd. Many of the public houses were sold to Rhymney Breweries Ltd. Brewing ceased at Hereford 1960. Demolished for a supermarket.

The brewery features in The Noted Breweries of Great Britain and Ireland by Alfred Barnard published 1890

Adverts and labels

Entry in the Trade Mark Registry

Registration No  : 25,102/3/4/5
Description  : Eagle with extended wings upon a rock, Eagle with extended wings upon a rock, Eagle with extended wings upon a rock, Eagle with extended wings standing on a barrel
Date of Application  : 25/10/1880
Used Prior to 1875?  : 12 years

Registration No  : 46,915
Description  : Words "National Household Ales"
Date of Application  : 19/8/1885
Used Prior to 1875?  : NO

Registration No  : 51,136
Description  : Label National Dinner Ale
Date of Application  : 16/2/1886
Used Prior to 1875?  : 1 years

Registration No  : 72,794
Description  : Label design for lemonade
Date of Application  : 30/8/1888
Used Prior to 1875?  : NO