Frederick Allen

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The brewery in 1991
Finchingfield Allen.jpg

Frederick Allen, Prince of Wales Brewery, Head Street, Finchingfield, Essex.

Founded by 1842 and had ceased brewing by 1902.

From ESSEX BREWERS - The Malting and Hop Industries of the County by Ian P Peaty 1992 now out of print ISBN 978 1 873966 02 4

Frederich Allen and his wife Mary Ann were brewers and beer retailers at premises next to the old Workhouse on one side, and on the other a Drapers and Grocers shop.

Frederich was born in Braintree in 1817, his wife Mary Ann at Wethersfield in 1813. Their son also Frederich was born at Wethersfield in 1840, and one daughter Sarah at Coggeshall in 1841, a second daughter in Finchingfield in 1843.

Brewing was taking place in 1842, with Frederich Allen Senior, dying c.1866, when his widow and son Frederich continued the business of brewer and beer retailer to 1902. No longer recorded by 1904.

The house which dates from at least the 17th Century, has a fine Georgian brick façade. There are cellars beneath, one stretching the entire width divided by a central chimney stack with a well in one half and a drain in the other. The overall dimensions are 15 feet wide by 45 feet long, with a smaller cellar at the rear, 17 feet by 13 feet 6 inches. This also has an ingenious fireplace.

Brewing evidently took place in these cellars which are only some three feet below ground level. The old cart shed and stable block has been converted to residential use.