List of Dunmow Brewery Ltd pubs, as at January 1965

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Randall, Gibbons, Ingold & Co.

The following list is those premises not photographed from the estate of the Dunmow Brewery compiled by David Parry, date unknown

  • Wheatsheaf, North Street, Great Dunmow
  • Off- licence, Bustard Green, Lindsell
  • Waggon & Horses, Hatfield Heath
  • Off- licence & Duck End Forge, Stebbing
  • Off- licence, Oxen End, Great Bardfield
  • Old Mill, The Street, Takeley
  • Cherry Tree, Cressing Road, Witham

All the following photographs of the Dunmow Brewery estate were taken in 1965 by J Welch. We acknowledge his copyright