Rhymney Breweries Ltd

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The company Trade Mark
Crown Hotel, Whitchurch, Herefs, 2011

Rhymney Breweries Ltd, Rhymney, Caerphilly.

Founded 1839 by William Copeland, Chairman of the Rhymney Iron Co. to supply beer to their employees.

Control of the parent company passed to the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Ltd. in 1920 and the brewery became a separate company which was registered as Andrew Buchan's Breweries Ltd on 9th October 1929 to acquire the businesses of Andrew Buchan & Co. and Griffiths Brothers Ltd of Blaina.

Crosswell's Cardiff Brewery Ltd was acquired by Andrew Buchan's Breweries Ltd of Rhymney in 1938 and brewing ceased there in 1947.

The name was changed as above on 25th May 1959. Acquired by Whitbread & Co. Ltd in January 1966. Brewing ceased in 1978.

An assortment of images of the brewery

Courtesy Paul Hathaway

Labels, etc

Some Rhymney premises