Cherry Brothers Ltd
Cherry Brothers Ltd, Creywell Brewery, New Ross, Co Wexford, Ireland.
Founded 1830. Registered October 1906.
Acquired by Guinness in 1952 and renamed New Ross Brewery Ltd.
Ceased brewing 1954.
See also Davis-Strangman & Co. Ltd, Waterford.
From the Brewery History Society Journal Number 91
This was founded by the Cherry Brothers who came from their King Street Waterford Brewery to establish it in New Ross in 1830. Their advertising slogan was "Cherry's Ale for the cheery Gael".
An ale brewery that ceased production in 1954 when it was taken over byGuinness. Cherrys however became the foundation brewery of the Irish Ale Breweries Group. Cherry's trade was very much a local one.
An assortment of images of the brewery
Equipment installed mainly 1902 mothballed 1998. Courtesy Edward Bourke.