Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries - Gallery
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Malt dresser
Porteus four roller mill
Makers plate on the mill
Mashing trumpet shared between two mash tuns
Steels masher
Grist case and mash tun, there are five 5 tonne mash tuns
Steels masher between two mash tuns
Redundant masher
Run off controller
Valentine run off controller
Graining arm in the base of the mash tun
Two Briggs 500brl copper whirlpools
Wall decoration on the copper hearth
Wall decoration on the copper hearth
Copper whirlpool showing expensive kink in the vent
Copper cowl
Open 125 brl lined wooden fermenter
There are just over 100 fermenters, all but 30 are open
Open square fermenters
Enclosed 125 brl FVs mainly for the Mansfield beers
Yeast storage vessels
Array of Realm valves to ensure yeasts are kept separate
More yeast storage tanks
Cask racking in progress at 220 pieces per hour
The cask racker has 12 stations
Casks awaiting dispatch
Cask storage
Carlson beer filter
Maturation tanks
Detail of the Carlson filter
Loading out bay
Loading out stock for the brewery SCADA system
Leaf isinglass
Isinglass dissolving in weak organic acid
Finings storage tanks
Brewery yard is in the middle of the 8.5 acre site
A few old buildings survive
A few old buildings survive
The brewery stack
Water storage tank
Park Street buildings, drays are loaded in the roadway
Brewery entrance
Redundant plant - too expensive to remove
Old hop back plates
Old control panel superseded by a home designed SCADA system
Two old coppers
Liquor tanks gauges and steam valves
No idea what these are!
Production Director Richard Westwood and Head Brewer Richard Frost
Brewery Manager Hugh Smith
Engineer Colin Walton tends his SCADA system
Cask Manager Paul Robinson checks beer clarity
Banks's Brewery logo
2003 Banks's Bitter 4 pack
2003 Banks's Original 4 pack
2003 Banks's Original Smooth 4 pack
2003 Banks's Barley Goldl 4 pack
2003 Banks's pint glass
Old trade card
From a Leek Town FC programme 1995