Whitbread Magor - 23 September 2004
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Whitbread Magor - Photographs taken by Roger - 23/09/2004
The Magor brewery entrance with a draught barrel sculpture prominent
85% of output is Stella
The trailer park with fermenters in the background
The process area modules are connected with high level walkways and service ducts
The 24ha site is well landscaped
A decorated tank beside the Filtration block
The coppers and whirlpools date from 1979
The mash hydrator
The mash conversion vessel
One of a pair of centrally fed 16t Meura mash filters
Close up of the diaphragm plates
A mash filter from the other end
The fermenters have been clad to blend in with the rural landscape
Conical bottomed fermenters
More conical bottomed fermenters
There are 113 FVs on site totalling 178,405hL (888-1765hL) and maturation has 75 vessels totalling 109,260hL (875-4140hL)
Three 60t syrup tanks are used to reduce the dependency on maize grits during periods of peak production
The new 50,000bph bottling line schematic
A portable console for the depalletiser control
Depalletisation in progress
Empty bottles on their way to the rinser
Neat and tidy engineering area
Neat and tidy work station
Neat and tidy satellite laboratory
The 120 head filler in its clean room receives some maintenance
Finished bottles pass the check weigher
The labeller feed magazines
The Kister WP070 wrap around packer will wrap 20s or 24s at 35 packs per minute
The Haloila Octopus stretch wrapper
Change parts are readily accessible from these mobile A boards
The new bottling hall with space for a second line
The draught barrel filler in a clean room
This plastic pouch unfolds as the beer is dispensed exposing more citric acid and bicarb to generate more pressure
The tap housing showing the channels designed to control fobbing
Pack labelling on the draught barrel line
Not sure what this is but it looks complicated
Yeast tanks have replaced cone to cone repitching
Tasting Stella
Entering batch details using a hand held scanner
Logging palate scores
Logging flavour attributes if problems are detected
Packaging Manager Nigel Knowland with General Manager Alan Fernandes
Quality compliance Manager Jeremy Stead does some sampling
Production Manager David Hudson was at Magor when the first brew went through in 1979
Chris Lanson and John Treasure with the first packaging of Export Bass in 6L minikeg