Triple fff Brewing Co - 28 November 2006
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Triple fff Brewing Co, Four marks, Alton, Hampshire - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 28 November 2006
The brewery was founded by Graham Trott in 1997
Three bottle front labels and a pump clip with a musical theme apart from Alton Pride
The vintage Morris Minor van
The modern Transit and the musical theme
The brewery grew from 6brl to 18brl before commissioning a 50brl plant
The old brewhouse
18brl mash tun from Maisonneuve
A pair of conditioning tanks
Cool full cask storage
The Moravek CW250 carbonator and two head filler
Bottle labelling
The brewery has grown from 4,000 to 14,000 square feet.
Getting ready for a three vessel brewplant and eight fermenters by Abbott from Newark
The office is in the style of the London and south Western Railway as the Watercress line is just outside
Parts of the Alan Ruddock malt handling system
Fulton engineers installing the vertical boiler…
…and tuning the control box
Two fermenters
The manway of the new fermenters
The new mash tun
The highly polished surface of the new 1,000kg mash tun
Hot water under pressure is used for cleaning and sterilising
The Triple fff team of Paul Granger, Chris Western and proprietor and brewer Graham Trott