Saltaire Brewery - 26 June 2006
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Saltaire Brewery, Shipley, West Yorkshire - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 26 June 2006
Saltaire was founded by Tony Gartside and Derek Todd in 2005
Beers are named after hop varieties
The brewery is installed in a 1898 power generation plant for the Shipley to Bradford tramway system
With no experience of brewing, the owners commissioned David Smith to design the plant
There is an 18m high headroom …..
…and its hook
Simple hop sack decoration
A mezzanine floor has been fitted for visitors…
...with display boards outlining the brewing process
There are lots of buttons to press
More display boards overlooking the brew plant
Malt from Fawcett is pre-crushed
The mash tun and copper by Moeschle are on the ground floor with staging area above for grist preparation. Liquor tanks are below the staging
The copper has three jackets with steam supplied by a Fulton vertical boiler
Three 'square' fermenters in an attemperated room held at 20oC
Four CTs are held in a room at 11oC alongside the racking equipment and beer for the visitors bar
Casks hiding the Fulton boiler
A home designed and locally built three station cask washer
Beer for the visitors bar
Derek Todd, who does the brewing and Tony Gartside