McMullen's Brewery - Gallery
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Old entrance to the 1891 brewery on Hartham Strret in Hertford
General view of the 1891 brewery, the third brewery on the site
The 1891 brewing tower, the current wells are still on site
Buildings on the other side of Hartham Street
Ornate signage on the office entrance
More heritage buildings on site
The brewery clock
The brewery tower
The coronet
Coronet and flag
Company logo
McMullen's 2005 fifth brewery on site is named the Whole Hop Brewery
500 kg tote bags of malt
Specialist malt in sack
Four roller Porteus mill
Base of the grist case
Steels masher feeds the 3 tonne mash tun by Grange Engineering
Mash tun base showing the graining arms
Mash tun on the right and hopback on the left
The boil is under 2psi pressure
External calandria
External calandria from the other side
Hop back
Mash tun grain discharge
A Seepex pump moves the spent grain to a farmer’s wagon
The spent grain silo still in place beside brewery No4 built to brew lagers Steingold and Hartsman in 1983
Wort heat exchanger
A Fluid Dynamics magnetic water softener on the liquor inlet to the heat exchanger
Wort heat exchanger again
Primings tanks
Diaphragm yeast press
Yeast room
Not sure what this is!
View of five 60brl conical fermenters by Bedford Engineering
Conical bottomed fermenters
Yeast cropping pump
Maturation tanks
Visitor guidance
Hear hear!!
Malt samples for visitors
Q C laboratory
Empty kilderkins
Cask washer
Three station racker ex Flowers in Cheltenham
General view of the racking room
Chilled cask storage before dispatch
Whole Hop Brewery building
New brewery entrance
Fulton boiler produces 2,100kg per hour
Fergus McMullen is the seventh generation since Peter McMullen started brewing on the site in 1832
Head Brewer Chris Evans