Lost and Grounded Brewers - 5 December 2016
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Lost And Grounded Brewers Ltd, Bristol - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 5 December 2016
Alex Troncoso moved into an engineering fabrication shop in 2016 and installed a Krones Microcube 25hL plant
Cartoon artwork is by Bristol artist Alexia Tucker
The two lagers fermented with Weinstephan 34/70
Three regular Belgian ales fermented with Wyeast Ardennes 3522
The visitors bar
Awaiting visitors, recovered packing and cable drums with the bar in the distance
Malt from Schill in Germany
General view of the grist case, brewplant, lactic acid vessel and one of the six 50hL DPVs
Brew vessels from the working stage, note the pot for adding materials to the copper
Beer mains and services running to the DPVs
The hot liquor tank and valve system
The utilities area- Renner compressor on the left, MTA refrigeration unit and Manara steam generator
The Manara steam generator produces 700kg per hour
The Renner air compressor unit
Looking down on the grist case with the mill and malt stock behind
Kunzel mill and grist hopper with rope and disc conveyors between
A shot of the utilities area beyond the table tennis table. In the background from the left is the air compressor, chilling plant and steam generator. In the middle distance is the malt stock
The 7hL lactic acid plant with a skip behind to catch the spent grains.
Below the kettle/whirlpool; detail of the wort oxygenation panel with the wort heat exchanger behind
The three brew vessels are at a high level allowing a tidy area below with easy to follow pipework
The three vessels; mash tun on the left, lauter tun in the centre and kettle/whirlpool on the right. Note the MT and LT vents and the hop chute.
Beyond the brewing plant are six 50hL dual purpose fermenters/conditioning vessels and a single 50hL ‘bright beer’ tank
Another shot of the kettle showing the turned vent to condense any hoppy aromas with the DPVs beyond
The stirrer in the mash tun
Inside the lauter tun after graining
The CIP plant used for brewhouse cleaning. The DPVs are cleaned manually with a single use detergent shot
DPVs and kegs
The brew vessels looking from the DPV area
The DPVs from the other end showing the Malek kegging station in the centre and IC bottling machine on the right
The S7-300 control system works from a single terminal in the brewers office
The Malek two station keg machine from Germany
Bottles are labelled on this Tenco machine before filling
Close up of the label reel
The vacuum break vessel and tiny detergent tank for the IC bottling machine
Brewery boss Alex Troncoso filling 330ml bottles
Belgian dubbel and tripel composting in Burgundy wine casks since September 2016
Brewery founder Alex Troncoso