Ilkley Brewery - 15 November 2013
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Ilkley Brewery Co, Ilkley, West Yorkshire - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 15 November 2013
Ilkley Brewery was founded by Chris Ives in 2009
It makes extensive use of soccial media and bright modern branding
The main brands using the outline of Cowcalf Rocks up on the moor; Mary Jane is 3.5%ABV with Amarillo and Cascades; Joshua Janeis 3.7%ABV with Amarilloand columbus; Ilkley Gold is 3.9%ABV with Cascade and Slovenian Dana and Lotus IPA is at 5.6%ABV with Cascade and Summit
The Origins range - Dinner ale is a saison with middle estern spices, Siberia has vanilla and rhubarb; Holy Cow is a cranberry infused milk stout with The Mayan has chocolate and smoked chillis
Bottles and pump clips
Ilkley is very short of space
The lilac identification bands are quite distinct but the main seller in Mary Jane
The bottle store and more casks
A crammed materials store
General view of the fermenters with bottling in progress below.
Pat of the 20brl Moeschle two vessel brewplant. Mash tun above the hot liquor tank and a copper
Grist is conveyed from a hopper on the materials floor
The mashing chute - stainless rather than a piece of drain pipe
The mash tun plates
The motor for lifting the mash tun canopy
The small underback before the copper
The copper is gas heated by a Lanemark coil. In the centre is an inverted perforated hop trap which is altered depending on the hop rate
The copper and hot gas exhaust
The hinged base manway swings away to free the spent hops
A simple changeover board
The tiny wort heat exchanger and oxygen cylinder
There are five 20brl, one 30brl and one 40brl fermenting vessels
The 30brl vessel has a conical bottom while the 40 brl in the foreground is dish bottomed
Two conditioning vessels are outside
Bottling a short run
Bottling in progress
Two station cask washer by Microdat
Head Brewer Christa Sandquist and her 160L nano plant
This crew from the Grove Hotel in Huddersfield were doing a brew with Christa and Brian Dickson of Northern Monk (right)
Office Manager Alexa Jennings sweeps the yard
Bottling man Nick Smith can clear three kils in a shift
Director Richard Shelton and Marketing MediaGuru Luke Raven
Founder Chris Ives with Head Brewer Christa Sandquist