Hook Norton - Gallery
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Return to Hook Norton Brewery Co. Ltd
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings
Brewery buildings - note the cherished vehicle plates on the wagon
Entrance to the cellar
Entrance to the museum
A view up into the brewhouse roof
The Company office entrance
Old Hook Norton poster
Ancient stone mill probably used to grind animal feed long ago
Inside the museum
Simpsons malt sacks awaiting tipping into the mill hopper
Muntons malt still in hessian sacks
Muntons malt sacks awaiting tipping into the mill hopper
Removing cone hops from the pocket
The hop store
Malt dressing equipment before the malt mill
Another view of the malt dressing kit
Makers plate for Nalder and Nalder
Early work instructions on the malt dresser
Liquor tanks high in the roof by Buxton and Thornley of Burton on Trent
Grist case
Makers plate for Buxton and Thornley
Hot liquor stock before mashing
First warm the pot - mash tun
Checking before the mash
Mash all in - note the sparge arms are covered
Steels masher
Checking the mash temperature
Two mash tuns with the Steels masher in between
Getting the striking heat right
Wort into the underback
Taps below the mash tun
Head Brewer James Clarke sets the taps
Modern copper
Open copper
Filling open copper
Dissolving vessel?
Wort into the copper
Filling the open copper
Inspecting levels in the open copper
Open copper on the boil
Modern copper with calandria from the hop back
Open hop back
Open hop back by Buxton and Thornley
Another view of the open hop back
The ceiling above the coolship
Hot wort in the coolship
Wort inlet to the coolship
Wort inlet to the coolship
Paraflow wort heat exchanger
Skimming parachute above the level of an early vessel head
FV6 showing the wheel to wind down the parachute
Amongst the wooden fermenters, they are all polypropylene lined
FV attemperation panel
Fermentation profile sheet
Skimming parachute after cropping
Skimming parachute above the level of an early vessel head
Cask racking range
Racking cock detail
Cask filling in operation
Palamatic cask handling aid
Steam engine and belt drives
Steam engine and the governer's balls
Drive to the sack hoist
Belt driven pumps
Installing a new well head
View of the field beside the brewery and the new well head
View of the Oxfordshire countryside
Interesting filing system
Q C laboratory
Brewsheet for Old Hooky
MD David Clarke mashing
Head Brewer James Clarke in his hop store
James Clarke in the sample stores