George Wright Brewing Co - Gallery
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George Wright Brewing Co, Rainford, Merseyside - 31 August 2010
George Wright logo
The brewery is sited in an industrial unit
Biggest seller Pipe Dream at 4.3%ABV won a silver at the GBBF in 2007. It uses Chinook and Cascade
At 4.7%ABV Cheeky Pheasant is more malt accented and late hopped with Celeia
4.1%ABV Dream uses Polish Marynka and Northdown
100% Saaz hops at 4.6%ABV
Keith Wright used to run Nexus Engineering specialising in CAD drawings of complex plant, here is a plan of his own
General view of the installed plant. The mash tun and copper are behind the staging with two 28 brl FVs at the back and two 10brls below
Another general view from the opposite angle
Tote bags of malt from Warminster
Smaller malt bags are tipped into the hopper above the mill
Two roller mill by Alan Ruddock
Inside the mash tun
Graining port
Vertical Fulton boiler
The copper has unusual external heating through a plate exchanger with protective hop seed filters to avoid blocking the plates
Two 28brl fermenters. All the plant was designed by Keith Wright and fabricated by Mercot at Flint
Note the unusually chunky fob overflows
The cone of one of the conicals
View back towards the mash tun and copper
Fermentation in progress
Two 2.5brl FVs recovered from Keith's earlier plant at Burtonwood, These are used for trials
Mimic of general plant layout
Mimic of the liquor system
Mimic of the mashing operation
Mimic of copper boiling
Mimic of fermentation
The brewery offers a contract bottling service, beer is held at -2oC
Finings tank on the right
In the warehouse area
Bespoke label for a wedding brew
Some barley is grown locally
Keith Wright thought that the name George Wright sounded more homely and English
Proprietor Keith Wright at his beloved computer screens