Fyne Ales - Gallery
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Fyne Ales, Achadunan, Cairndow, Argyllshire - 5 March 2014
Fyne Ales logo
The brewery is old farm buildings
The visitor bar and shop
A lovely location for a brewery when it is not raining!
View from the visitors facilities
Bar, shop and awards certificates
The bar incised with brewing terms
Detail of the bar by Gray Concrete of Edinburgh
Coffees, snacks or beer
Works by local artists are on sale
Grab me! Fill a mixed case to carry out
The cellar for the visitors bar
Water comes from half way up this hill, It is only settled before brewing
Precrushed malt from Fawcetts and Muntons
Malt is weighed into a hopper on the mezzanine floor
Cone Citra is the only hop in Jarl
Hops weighrd out ready for late additions
The brewhouse end of the old milking parlour
The copper of the 10 brl brewkit originally from Highwood in Lincolnshire was installed in 1996
The grain and hydrating chute down to the mash tun
Yeast, originally from Fountainbridge is stored cold in the fridge, o
General view of the processing area
Original 10brl fermenters
More fermenters
Maturation tanks, note how a 5brl Grundy has been stretched
The rocking bar Commodore cask washer
A stock of KeyKegs
Fully decorated Huber 5L mini kegs
Chilled cask store will hold up to 150 firkins
Collapsible ISO containers to transport beer to Williams at Alloa
The beer is held in a plastic inner
The outlet of the tanks by Arlington
Proprietor Jamie Delap at the site of the new £2m brewery
Diagram of the planned new Musk 40brl plant with DPVs by MGT in Israel
The brewing team; Chris Brooke, Jake Griffin, Malcolm Downie and Stuart Moss…
…how many did you recognise?
Head Brewer Malcolm Downie inspects for clarity
Proprietor Jamie Delap