Doghouse Brewery - Gallery
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Doghouse Brewery Ltd, Jurby, Isle of Man - 12 October 2012
The Doghouse Brewery was founded in 2012 and closed in 2014
The Bitter pump clip
This pump clip without beer name was intended for changing seasonals with a stick on label
The industrial unit next door to the IOM prison at Jurby
The brewery entrance
View of mezzanine level above the FVs. All the plant was recovered from Freedom
Copper and wort cooler from the entrance
Cask washer and brewplant. The hot liquor tank/mash tun and copper were built by Biering (Velo) in 1999
Grist is assembled from the mezzanine store…..
…and handed down to the mashing stage
Ready to mash
Mashing in progress
Checking the mash
Setting the chute to remove the spent grains. Note the hot liquor tank is below
Water inlets to the copper vapour condenser. Not an environmental requirement but it saved putting a stack through the roof
Brewhouse panel and a wort sample in the sink
The wort heat exchanger cools to 21oC
Cold liquor tank on the left and five S&W 12hL conical fermenters
Single head Microdat cask washer
Detail of the washer cradle
The working end of the washer
Complex brewplant plumbing and wiring
A 20 foot ISO shipping container….
... is used to store beer, hops and finings
The brewery delivery van
Proprietor Paul Mercer