Cumbrian Legendary Ales - Gallery
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Cumbrian Legendary Ales, Old Hall Brewery, Hawkshead, Cumbria - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 22 January 2013
The brewery is situated in a Victorian outhouse behind Old Hall at Hawkshead
Cask washing takes place in an old dairy building opposite
Being grade II listed and in a conservation area there is no signage
..and it was snowing
Cumbrian Legendary won the CAMRA Golden Ale class in 2011 and also Champion Beer of Britain
Loweswater Gold at 4.3%ABV and 33BU is 90% lager malt plus pale and torrified wheat
Langdale is at 4.0%ABV with more ale malts and late hopped Amarillo
Grasmoor Dark at 4.3% has Progress for hop aroma
General view towards the copper and mash tun
Many certificates and the steps up to the mezzanine storage area
Everything is shoehorned in
A tight squeeze for 5L Huber cans
Not really ideal storage conditions for working hop stock
The small pack stock area
Torrified wheat is weighed out upstairs
The hopper above the mash tun
The mash tun from above
A 'chinese' conical crammed into the corner of the brew house
Run off complete
Hops waiting to be added
A bath of peracetic acid is used to store implements and is pumped to sterilise plant
Conical bottomed fermenter
Fermenters of different sizes. Ten to 13 brl.
Yeast is kept in plastic Tupperware containers in the fridge
There are 14 Grundy tanks for conditioning
Empty cask stock
Cask washing in progress…
… using a three station Commodore washer on a tilting beam
Brewman cask tracking. Bar codes are removed on delivery and again at empty pick up
Brewer David Sumner and Head Brewer Hayley Barton