Castle Rock - Gallery
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Castle Rock Brewery, Nottingham - Photographs taken by Roger Putman - 6 January 2011
Castle Rock was founded in 1997 by Chris Holmes
The brewery relocated from Bramcote to outhouses at Tynemill's Vat & Fiddle pub. The new brewery can be seen at the rear
The new 40 brl brewery on Traffic Street
Precrushed malt in sack from Muntons and Fawcetts
Malt ready to be tipped into the grist hopper
Malt tipping in progress
An old pair of jeans feeds the grist from conveyor to grist case. 1100kg are used per 40 brl brew
The grist case
The vents for the copper, its gas heating coil and the hot liquor tank
The mash tun (right) and liquor tank viewed from above
The wedge wire mash tun bottom
Extra liquor injectors have been fitted below the tangential grist hydrator
The valentine run off arm and underback
Low and high level switches in the ubderback to regulate flow to the copper
The T C Williams gas heating coil in the copper rated at 205kW
General view of the processing area. Most of the kit was made by Abbott and installed at Wild in Herefordshire which went bust before it could be used.
Wort cooler and oxygen injection
There are five 80 brl fermenters
More fermenters
Two 100 brl 'German' fermenters for cool fermentations with external coils at 40 and 80 brl levels
Adding auxiliary finings before racking looks to be a hazardous operation
A four station cask rinser to remove residuals before the main wash
Washed cask stock prior to racking
The old equipment awaiting sale
Anyone want a 22brl brewplant?
The gas coil in the old copper
The embryo microbiology lab
Elsie Mo was named from low colour Maris Otter L C M O!!
Harvest Pale was CAMRA Champion Beer in 2007
Hemlock was originally brewed by the Bramcote operation
Head Brewer Adrian Redgrove with owner Chris Holmes