Beamish & Crawford - Gallery
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Beamish pint 2003 A pint of the Cork black stuff
The brewery fermenters from the other side of the River Lea
The Counting House offices built around 1920.
Archive photograph of coopers in action
Archive photograph of the working floor beside the porter vats
Archive photograph of the porter vats
Inside the foyer of the Counting House - the base of a 1880 Robert Morton mash tun
The foyer and the mash tun plates
The Steinecker wet mill which gives the malt 60 seconds contact before grinding at 63oC
The mash vessels date from 1972
The new kettle with vapour energy recovery system
The hop pots for making additions to the kettle
Wort oxygenation station with options for air or oxygen
Information for visitors
Valves at the base of a conical fermenter, the green device is a peristatic pump to remove the yeast
Head Brewer Rory Bevan with a device which sprays a fine water mist into the top of a fermenter to keep the fob down
Another device which mixes isinglass finings into the base of a conical
Yeast pitching tank
Five yeast tanks, each with a different strain
Yeast propagation uses a dual vessel design (4 and 40hL) by Scandibrew
The working corridor with 32x500hL maturation and bringht beer tanks
Green beer centrifuge by Westfalia
A candle beer filter
A swing bend pipe changeover station
The infeed to the double deck Sander Hansen pasteuriser
A Crown Century bottle washer - note the bottle entering the two level pasteuriser on the extreme right
Krones rinser, filler and crowner
Returning dirty bottles
Samovi Ricart depalletiser designed for both returnable cases and new glass
Miller Genuine Draft in the magazine of the Krones Starmatic labeller
Bottles of MGD snake their way to the Starmatic labeller
Samovi Ricart palletiser in the process of stretchwrapping a pallet.
Rebuilt Kettner crater
Unusual stubby 550mL bottles
Packaging Manager Mick Dolan on his way to do some tasting
Tasting in progress - at the back Mick Dolan and Ed Hinchy (QA); seated Rory Bevan, Jim D'Arcy (Production Director), Dick Ryan, Noel Barrett and Tim O'Donovan.
QA Manager Ed Hinchy with some of the many beer competition prizes