Tipperary, London EC4

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Tipperary, 66 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1HT

Reputedly (information from a plaque attached to the pub), this pub was built as the 'Boar's Head' in 1605 and was taken over by Dublin brewer S G Mooney & Son in about 1700. They claim that the name was changed to the Tipperary just after the First World War. At the entrance is a slate floor slab with 'MOONEYS', and inside, several historic advertisements.

However, Martyn Cornell provides the following information:

"The pub owner's name was J G Mooney & Co Ltd. Mooney's weren't brewers, but pub and bar owners and wholesale and retail drinks suppliers, based in Dublin, and founded by James G Mooney, who was in business by 1845 and who turned the operation into a limited company in 1888. Mooney's acquired its first pub in London in 1889 (on The Strand), and the Boar's Head at 66 Fleet Street was its fourth London outlet, taken over in November 1895. Like the company's other pubs in London, it traded under the name Mooney's Irish House.

The Boar's Head dates back to at least 1443, when "Le borys head" was part of the same grant to the Carmelite friars (the "White Friars") as the Bolt-in-Tun next door. The house of the Carmelites in Fleet Street was founded by Sir Richard Gray in 1241. The Boar's Head was destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666, but rebuilt and back in business by 1668. The Bolt-in-Tun became one of London's best-known coaching inns, but had degenerated into just a parcel collecting office for a railway company by 1882, when it was demolished. Its fate is sometimes confused with that of the Boar's Head.

It is, of course, nonsense to say that the Boar's Head/Tipperary was "the first Irish pub outside Ireland" - it wasn't even the first Mooney's Irish House outside Ireland. Nor, of course, was it the first pub outside Ireland to have bottled, or draught, Guinness.

There is no evidence that I have been able to find that the pub was called the Tipperary before the 1950s: it was still being referred to as Mooney's Irish House in Fleet Street in 1950."

Further research indicates that the Tipperary name dates from the 1960s. Martyn provides much more information on his blog here:


<gallery> File:LondonEC4Tipperary_Tris_Aug2018.jpg|Photo from Tris, August 2018 File:LondonEC4TipperaryBoard_Tris_Aug2018.jpg|Photo from Tris, August 2018 File:LondonEC4Tipperary23_SP_041218.jpg|Photo from SP, December 2018 <gallery>