Frederick Binns

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Binns Ingrow.jpg

Frederick Binns, White Horse Brewery, Ingrow, West Yorkshire.

Acquired by Scott & Co. (Skipton) Ltd. with 7 houses 1897.

List of Frederick Binns pubs

White Horse Ingrow.jpg

The White Horse pub was acquired by H Thompson, brewer Keighley on 4th December 1864. Henry Hargreaves Thompson, born Colne 1823, became ostler at the Crown Inn then tapster/ manager at the Fleece Tap behind the Fleece Inn, Low Street. He was landlord of Black Bull. In 1865 he brewed at the White Horse and also owned the Malt Shovel (source Eddie Kelly).

In 1871/76 HH Thompson was listed at Halifax Road under Keighley, but also under Bingley. He died December 1877 and by 1879 Mrs Thompson was listed. In 1881 Frederick Binns brewer for Henry Thompson & Co, listed as Wesley Place in 1886, whilst David Smith was at the White Horse. Nevertheless, in 1888 Hy Hargreaves Thompson was mentioned and listed 1892 and as Wesley Place in 1895. The late David Parry’s collection includes a copy of an 1896 map.

The map shows Mrs M H Binns as owner of the pub on the opposite side of the road. This was 81 Wesley Place and a photo of the pub (closed 1969) is available on the Lost Pubs website. That year Frederick Binns is listed at White Horse Brewery, Wesley Place. On 15th March 1897 the business was acquired by Scotts of Skipton and used as stores. The pub was sold to Bentleys Yorkshire Breweries on 1st October 1912.

Eddie Kelly notes the White Horse plant was sold at auction September 1898 mostly to Ogdens of Haworth. Brewing did not recommence on the site. The brewery premises were offered at auction during July 1899 with a restrictive covenant prohibiting the production, storage or vending of beer and similar products.

These are the buildings across the road from the old pub and which fit with the map shown above. The Halifax side of the building has the faded wording “Charles Walker & Sons Tannery”. I haven’t been able to find out when the latter operated, but my guess is that they occupied the buildings without any external changes. It would be fascinating to have a look inside to see if they retained any of the equipment eg FVs could be useful for soaking hides. If anyone has any further information about the Airedale or indeed the tannery site, I’d be most grateful.