Heathfield Brewery, Southampton

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Charles King, Heathfield Brewery, 55 Winchester Road, Shirley, Southampton, Hampshire.

Recorded in 1906. Various brewers listed from 1875.

From the Brewery History Society Newsletter Number 41

Frozo Ltd it seems were based at the Heathfield Brewery, which must have lifted the vacant title of Shirley Brewery.

1871 Charles Dyer pale ale brewer, Nathaniel Simmons James at Heathfield Brewery 1877/78 and in 1890 Weeks Bros (Any link with the Petersfield concern?).

In 1897 John Watson Sheppard was listed at the Heathfield Steam Brewery, but went bankrupt in 1899. In 1901 William T Tanquary Todd purchases the Shirley Brewery, Winchester Road and erected a mineral water factory on the premises.

Frozo Ltd are listed in the same year, but as brewers and a fire on 21st July damaged a considerable amount of malt and hops. The brewery was sold in 1904, although Charles King was still listed as a brewer 1905/06. In 1908 the brewery house reverted to “Heathfield” next to the Sunlight Laundry, presumably in the old brewhouse.