Adnams plc - Gallery 26 June 2001

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Curved ended lined wooden fermenters - out of service awaiting relocation to one of Adnams cook shops
Open fermenter
View of brewery yard towards the cask washer
Pump clip graphics for Adnams Bitter
Adding hops to the copper
Adnams from the road outside
Detail of the front of the brewery
Pump clip graphics for Adnams Broadside
This seemingly quiet row of cottages hides the cask racking room. To avoid getting six copies of the local free paper they had to seal the letterboxes!
Checking quality in the sample room - Head Brewer Mike Powell Evans (left) and Robert Porter, Trade Liaison Brewer
Copper artifacts in the visitor centre
FV thermometer
Beel Industries 6000lb steam boiler
The mash tun with Dr Powell Evans
Southwold Jack - the town's mascot used in some of Adnams promotional material
View of the brewery from the car park of the Swan Hotel
Unusual attemperators in a polypropylene lined open vessel
Adnam's Chairman Jonathan Adnams
Mr Adnams on his way home
Adnams promotional material
New CIP plant by Industrial Techniques
View of the recently commissioned fermenting room
You would never guess there were nine new 250brl fermenters behind this façade
New vessels by Briggs
The new vessels are set in three rows of three
Each vessel has a continuously pumped sample loop which comes out at the pump
This is the microbiological sample point
This is the bulk sampling point
The flow of liquid re-enters the vessel just above outlet.
Valve stations between the vessel rows
A few of the 156 Sudmo valves used in the new FV project
The author helps himself to a glass of Southwold's finest
Head Brewer Mike Powell Evans in the visitor centre
A wrap round chunky pump clip by Leawood
A view from the top of the brewhouse
The new yeast storage vessels by Industrial Techniques
