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Journal Home > Archive > Issue Contents > Brew. Hist., 118, pp. 43-44

JBHS Bibliography

by David Gutzke

Blocker, Jack S., Jr., Fahey, David M. and Tyrrell, Ian R. (eds.). Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An International Encyclopedia, 2 vols. (2003).

Anderson, Ray: “Allied Breweries”; “Allsopps”; “Beer”; “Carlsberg”; “Courage Brewery”; “Institute and Guild of Brewing”; “Maltsters’ Association of Great Britain”; “Watneys”; “Whitbread”

Anderson, Ray and Gutzke, David W.: “Beer Orders”

Barr, Andrew: “Licensing Hours”

Bennison, Brain Robert: “Scottish & Newcastle Breweries Ltd.”; “Working Men’s Clubs Breweries”

Davison, Andrew: “Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA)”

Donnachie, Ian: “Brewers’ Association of Scotland”; “Brewers’ Company”; “Brewers’ Society”; Willilam McEwan (1827-1913)”: Hugh Tennent (1863-1980)”

Fahey, David: “Allied Brewery Traders’ Association”

Foley, Kieran: “Licensed Victuallers’ National Defence League”; “Licensed Victuallers’ Protection Society of London”; “Publicans”

Kling, Susan M. and Gutzke, David W.: “Pubs and Beerhouses”

Thomas, Ken: “Courage Family”; “Simonds Family”

Townend, Paul: “Guinness Brewery”

Wilson, Richard G.: “Edward Greene (1815-91); “Edward Cecil Guinness, First Earl of Iveagh (1847-1927)”

Brandwood, Geoff, Davison, Andrew and Slaughter, Michael, Licensed to Sell: The History and Heritage of the Public House (English Heritage: London, 2004).

Brew, Alec, Wolverhampton Pubs (Tempus: Stroud, 2004).

Brown, Mike, (ed.) Oxon Brewers: The Story of Commercial Brewing in Oxfordshire (Brewery History Society: New Ash Green, 2004).

Courtney, Yolanda, “Pub Tokens: Material Culture and Regional Marketing Patterns in Victorian England and Wales,” International Journal of Historical Archaeology 4 (2000): 159-190.

Gutzke, David W. Pubs and Progressives: Reinventing the Public House in England, 1896-1960 (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2005).

Gwyther, Matthew, “End of the Hereditary Beerage: In 1954, Britain had 305 Family Breweries. Now There are Fewer than 60,” Management Today (Feb. 1999): 40-8.

Holder, R.W., Taunton Cider and Langdons: A West Somerset Story of Industrial Development (Phillimore & Co: Chichester, 2000).

Reinarz, J., “An Easy Transition: Brewery Life and Labour in the Midlands, 1850- 1914,” Midland History 28 (2003): 88-99.

Smith, Gavin, British Brewing in Old Photographs (Sutton: Stroud, 2004).

Unger, Richard W., Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, 2004).

White, J., “The `Slow but Sure Poyson’: The Representation of Gin and Its Drinkers, 1736-51,” Journal of British Studies 42 (2003): 35-64.

Copyright © 2005 the Brewery History Society