Brewery History Society

The Brewery History Society

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Our latest publications

BREWERS OF THE BRITISH ISLES - 1890 TO 2021 by Mike Brown, Ray Farleigh and Ken Smith. Our essential gazetteer to 10,692 brewers and brewing companies who at one time traded in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 380 A4 Black & White pages with colour cover.

WESTERHAM ALES by Peter Moynihan. Paperback; published 2024. Profusely illustrated throughout its 80+ pages, in both black & white and colour.

BREWING IN HORSHAM by Keith Osborne and Richard Symonds. A4 Paperback; published 2023. This is a 75 page colour book covering the brewers of Horsham.

See our Books Page for details.

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Courage Brewery

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Hutchinson's Visit

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Historic Brewery

The Brewery History Society: "For all who are interested in the history of beer and brewing"

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