Brewery History Society

The Brewery History Society



A historical directory of the commercial brewers of London from circa 1650.

By Mike Brown.

Published by the Brewery History Society, 102 Ayelands, New Ash Green, Longfield, Kent DA3 8JW.

"We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats ..."
"When a man is tired of life ..."

Dr Johnson sagely knew the value of beer to his beloved London Town Now discover the firms and the characters who brewed it. This work represents over 10 years of careful and painstaking research into the brewing firms that operated in the capital over the past 350 or so years. Some of the names are very, very familiar and the Author gives an objective report on their development. Perhaps even offering a different history to that recorded in their own biographies!

The Author tracks each brewer, showing dates and presenting well researched facts. Many of the individual histories are illustrated with adverts, labels and photographs, some in colour.

You can find out about more about the names that only just remain in the collective consciousness, names such as Mann, Calvert, Hammerton, Huggins and Hoares.

An essential book for all those interested in brewing, beer and all things London.

An A4 softback, 426 pages, with many illustrations in black & white and colour. The most comprehensive directory of London breweries anywhere. Includes an index of over 17 pages with over 5,600 entries.

Reduced Price!

Price £10.00 plus £4.00 Postage & Packing.

Email for further information.

Some illustrations of the content (click the image for a larger view):

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