Brewery History Society

The Brewery History Society: Defunct Brewery Liveries

London South-East (SE postal districts): Defunct Brewery Livery

9 May 2024

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County Brewery Location Premises Description Contributors Photo?

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermondsey, 13 The Grange Red Cow (demolished) A gold Courage cockerel mounted above the ironwork of the hanging sign. Also a modern projecting sign - red with a gold cockerel. Pub demolished in 2008. WRB photo 2006 Picture

London SE 1

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Bermondsey, 142 Lynton Road Finish (former) A former Combe's pub, closed in about 2011 and converted to residential use. To the first floor facing Lynton Road, a projecting Watney's roundel with 'stag' motif and 'WATNEY COMBE REID...1898'. TrC 2022 .

London SE 1

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Bermondsey, 145 Old Kent Road World Turned Upside Down This 1930s pub was designed by A W Blomfield. Exterior refurbishment of this pub revealed original fascia incised lettering on the ground floor frontage: 'WATNEY'S ALES ... THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN ... REID'S STOUT'. By 2012, the building had been extended upwards as a block of flats, with the ground floor converted to retail, but the original pub ground floor stone fascia has been retained. In 2017, the right-hand Reid's sign was obscured by a modern Domino's Pizza sign, but the Watney sign on the left was still exposed. SRH photo 2008; Google photo 2009; Google 2012; SP 2017 Picture

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermondsey, 161 Great Dover Street Black Horse Pole sign with a Courage gold cockerel mounted above the frame. On the pub frontage is a square red projecting sign - still Illuminated at night - with a gold cockerel. WRB photo 2006; SP 2017 Picture

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Bermondsey, 279 Old Kent Road Dun Cow (former) A large pub by A E Sewell for Trumans, 1930s. High on the Old Kent Road elevation is a Truman eagle in a roundel. Converted to a surgery. KR photo 2006 Picture

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermondsey, 320 Old Kent Road Thomas A Beckett Between the first and second floors facing Old Kent Road, a small red square projecting sign featuring the Courage 'cockerel'. SP 2017 .

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermondsey, 33 Wolseley Street Ship Aground A gold Courage 'cockerel' mounted above the hanging sign. TrC 2014 .

London SE 1

Taylor Walker & Co Ltd Limehouse, E14 Bermondsey, 386 Old Kent Road Lord Nelson A Taylor Walker 'cannon' within the ironwork above the hanging sign facing Old Kent Road. This pub has a fine historical interior. SP 2017 .

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Bermondsey, 40 Tower Bridge Road George A 1930s corner pub in faience and brick, by A E Sewell. On the gable on each elevation is 'TRUMAN'S' in gold tiled lettering, and a large gold eagle above. Over the doors, three Truman lanterns. The windows have leaded and etched glass with a central panel including: (1) 'BURTON TRUMAN LONDON' (2) 'TRUMAN'S BURTON BREWED BITTER' (3) EAGLE STOUT. And (4) 'COURAGE BEER' (sic). Inside, two framed mirrors within original fireplace surrounds with lettering 'TRUMANS ... LONDON & BURTON'. TrC reports that the three Truman's lanterns were removed in 2022 following acquisition by Craft Union. DK 2003; WRB photo 2006; SP photo 2017; TrC 2022 Picture

London SE 1

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Bermondsey, 52 St Georges Road Prince of Wales On Hayles Street to the right-hand window at ground floor level, 'WATNEYS' in gold lettering and to a left-hand window 'WATNEY'S ALES' also in gold lettering. They appear to be of two different generations. TrC 2023 .

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Bermondsey, 68 Pages Walk Victoria Victorian corner pub with fine original Truman lettering. At high level, dark green lettering on cream tiles: 'TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & Co Ltd ... THE VICTORIA ... BURTON ALES'. On the curved splay above the corner door: 'BURTON BREWED BITTER ... TRUMAN'S (on diagonal) ... LONDON STOUT'. On the ochre tiled fascia, dark green lettering: 'TRUMANS BURTON THE . VICTORIA . BREWED BITTER'. Also two etched windows with 'TRUMANS' and at least four Truman lanterns. The corner of the pub and parts of the signs were obscured by ivy in January 2017. KR photo 2006; Google 2008; SP photo 2017 Picture

London SE 1

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Bermondsey, Horselydown Former Courage Brewery A plaque records the history of the building, now converted to other uses. SP photo 2010 Picture

London SE 1

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Borough, 121 Borough High Street Sir Christopher Inn (formerly Grapes Tavern) The pub has rather plain windows along the side elevation with 'COURAGE' and 'FINE ALES'. SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE 1

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Borough, 2 Guy Street Guys Arms (former) On the corner splay is an excellent green-tiled panel with white lettering: 'COURAGES (at an angle) ... FINE ALES & STOUT'. This pub closed in the 1990s and is now in residential use. SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE 1

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Borough, 21 Park Street A (residential?) building Adjacent to the site of Barclay Perkins' Anchor Brewery. On the south end wall, facing Redcross Way, a large painted sign, white letters on blue: 'TAKE COURAGE'. WRB photo 2007; TrC 2015 Picture

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Borough, 27 Clennam Street Lord Clyde A 1922 corner pub with an excellent Truman's exterior. The ground floor has green faience with a cream-tiled fascia: 'TRUMANS BURTON ALES ... THE LORD CLYDE ... TRUMANS LONDON STOUT ... E J BAYLING ... TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & CO LTD'. Above the second-floor windows is another fascia in similar style: 'TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & CO LTD ... ALES ... STOUT & PORTER'. On the corner splay is a tiled panel with a large Eagle illustration, plus: 'THE LORD CLYDE ... TRADE MARK ... TRUMANS BOTTLED BEERS'. Inside is a mirror with 'Unrivalled Mild Ales and Double Stout', and a framed Truman's price list in shillings and pence. DK 2003; WRB photo 2006 Picture

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Borough, 50 Great Dover Street Roebuck Painted fascia facing Great Dover Street: 'TRUMAN'S BEERS ... THE ROEBUCK ... WINES & SPIRITS'. On the back wall, an old wooden board sign with 'THE ROEBUCK - TRUMANS'. Inside, to the island bar's parapet in gold lettering: 'TRUMANS BEERS ... WINES SPIRITS'. SP 2004; WRB photo 2006; TrC 2021 Picture

London SE 1

Whitbread & Co Ltd London, EC1 Borough, 96 Snowsfields Miller of Mansfield An oval plaque with the Whitbread 'deer' trademark surrounded by 'WHITBREAD & COMPANY - 1742'. WRB photo 2007 Picture

London SE 1

Wm Younger & Co Ltd Edinburgh Lambeth North, 122 Westminster Bridge Road Horse & Groom (later 'Horse & Stables') Tiled raised lettering on a fascia above the first-floor windows: 'Wm YOUNGER & Co Ltd'. SRH photo 2007; SP photo 2016 Picture

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Lambeth North, 133 Westminster Bridge Road Crown & Cushion By A E Sewell for Trumans, 1930s. Over each of the two entrance doors is a fine plaster representation of a crown resting on a cushion and below in a roundel an eagle on a rock - the Truman trademark. Some original panelling survives inside, and there are the remains of gold lettering including: 'EAGLE STOUT', 'BARLEY WINE', BEN TRUMAN', 'EAGLE ALE' and 'IMPERIAL STOUT'. The hanging sign features lettering 'BEERS FROM BASS' bookended by two white triangles. BL 2002; SRH photo 2007; SP photo 2016; TrC 2023 Picture

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Lambeth North, 14 Westminster Bridge Road Flowers of the Forest (formerly Oxford Arms) On the left-side wall a large sign with individual letters: 'TAKE COURAGE'. On the front elevation, a projecting square sign with a gold Courage 'cockerel' on red background. Previously a Barclay Perkins house. TrC photo 2014 Picture

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Lambeth North, 44 Lambeth High Street Windmill A small square Courage hanging sign - gold cockerel on a red background. SP 2016 .

London SE 1

Meux's Brewery Co Ltd - Horseshoe Breweries: London WC1 and SW8 Lambeth North, 53-55 Hercules Road Pineapple A corner pub dated 1870. Three windows have lower etched panes with the brewery's 'horseshoe' trademark around 'MEUX'S'. SP photo 2016 Picture

London SE 1

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Lambeth North, 67 Kennington Road Three Stags A stone panel at pavement level next to the Kennington Road entrance: 'THE THREE STAGS ... CHARRINGTON'S ... FINE ALES'. SP photo 2016 Picture

London SE 1

Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Southwalk, Porter Street and Park Street Site of Barclay Perkins brewery Three plaques mark the site of the former brewery. On Porter Street is a plaque enclosing a shield with an image of Doctor Johnson - the brewery's trademark. On Park Street is a plaque 'SITE OF ANCHOR BREWERY' with an illustration of an anchor and a list of brewers on the site from 1616 to 1986. Finally, there is an interesting illustrative plaque recording an "international incident" in 1850, when Barclay & Perkins draymen recognised and attacked the "Austrian Butcher" General Haynau. SP photo 2010 Picture

London SE 1

Meux's Brewery Co Ltd - Horseshoe Breweries: London WC1 and SW8 Southwark, 22 Great Suffolk Street White Hart Until 2018, the ground floor elevation of this pub comprised modern painted panelling. The exterior was restored by Fullers in 2018. A brown glazed tiled ground floor frontage with four tiled panels which read 'MEUX'S FAMOUS STOUT', MEUX'S BOTTLED BEERS', 'MEUX'S PERFECT ALES' and 'MEUX'S FAMOUS STOUT' in white lettering on a dark background. Internally, back lit in orange and white to the top of the bar back's parapet 'TREBLE GOLD ... WHITE HART ... TREBLE GOLD'. Treble Gold was Meux's pale ale brand. TrC 2018 and 2021 .

London SE 1

Meux's Brewery Co Ltd - Horseshoe Breweries: London WC1 and SW8 Southwark, 22 Southwark Street Southwark Tavern Fine tiled frontage with cream raised lettering on a brown ceramic fascia: 'MEUX'S PERFECT ALES' and 'MEUX'S FAMOUS STOUT'. Etched window with a horseshoe. GB 2003; PM 2003; RF 2003; WRB photo 2006 Picture

London SE 1

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Southwark, 88 Tooley Street Shipwrights Arms A gold Courage 'cockerel' mounted above the hanging sign. TrC 2014 .

London SE 1

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Waterloo, 23 Baylis Road Duke of Sussex A corner pub, by A E Sewell in 1924, with original tiled fascia - gold lettering on green - 'TRUMAN'S NOTED BURTON BREWED ALES ... TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & Co Ltd'. Also over a side door, a small Truman lantern featuring the brewery's 'Eagle' logo. BL 2002; GB 2002; SRH photo 2006; WRB photo 2006; JSe photo 2010; SP photo 2016 Picture

London SE 1

Allied Breweries - the national brewery conglemerate Waterloo, 25 Roupell Street Kings Arms The etched windows don't have a brewery name, but are a good example of Allied Breweries' corporate lettering of the 1970s, a style which at one time extended widely over Britain. Interior: the logo for Treble Gold - an Ind Coope ale brand - is displayed on both sides of the bar back's parapet. WRB photo 2006; TrC photo 2022 Picture

London SE 1

Taylor Walker & Co Ltd Limehouse, E14 Waterloo, 25 Roupell Street Kings Arms The hanging sign incorporates the brewery's 'cannon' trademark. WRB photo 2006; PLo photo 2019 Picture

London SE 1

Wenlock Brewery Co Ltd Hoxton, N1 Waterloo, 29 Cornwall Road White Hart Crude modern board signs were applied to the fascias of this former Wenlock Brewery pub. In 2005, SSm photographed the temporarily-exposed tiled fascia. In 2019, the owners Mitchells & Butlers refurbished the exterior, commissioned replacement tiles to repair damage, and revealed the original fascia: '30 ... ALES ... WENLOCK ... STOUT ... 29 ... WINES ... WENLOCK ALES & STOUT ... SPIRITS'. Also, on each elevation at first floor level are two attractive tiled panels 'THE WHITE HART'. SSm photo 2005 and 2019 Picture

London SE 1

Lion Brewery Co Ltd (Goding's Brewery) Lambeth, SE1 Waterloo, Westminster Bridge Outside former LCC County Hall On a high plinth on the eastern side of Westminster Bridge, a massive stone lion from Goding's Lion Brewery on the South Bank; the brewery was demolished for the Festival of Britain site in 1951. See BHS Journal issue 124-125. LPe 2007; BHS photo; SP photo 2016 Picture

London SE 5

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Camberwell, 181 Camberwell Road Duke of Clarence (former) A 1930s pub with a large tiled panel at first to second floor level: 'THE DUKE OF CLARENCE' and a 'Toby' illustration. The 'CLARENCE' lettering is, very stylishly, on a diagonal. The pub has been converted to a place of worship, but the Truman sign survives. SRH photo 2007; Google 2014 Picture

London SE 5

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Camberwell, 242 Camberwell Road Nags Head A 19c pub with attractive olive-tiled faience frontage. The fascia is cream with lettering: 'TRUMAN'S ... NAGS HEAD ... BEERS' in three separate panels. Also two Truman lanterns. DK 2003; SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE 5

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Camberwell, 283 Camberwell New Road King William IV By A E Sewell for Trumans, 1932; brick and faience exterior. Tiled fascia with lettering: 'LONDON STOUT ... OFF LICENCE ... BURTON ALES ... LONDON STOUT ... BURTON ALES'. At first floor level, two stone panels with the Truman 'eagle' trademark in a roundel and 'TRUMANS ... ESTd. 1666'. SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE 5

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Camberwell, 67-69 Sedgmoor Place Marlborough (previously Duke of Marlborough) Closed in 2011 and subject to a proposal for demolition and replacement with flats. A 1930s corner pub which retained an original Toby tiled plaque with 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY' next to the Dalwood Street entrance. At high level on the same elevation was a tiled sign with 'FINE ALES .. CHARRINGTONS' and another Toby image. Reported demolished by February 2013. DIn 2011; Camra mag 2013 .

London SE 5

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Camberwell, Camberwell Road - Wyndham Road A former pub (demolished) Tiled wall panel incorporating: 'Flying Tankard' emblem; '1757'; 'CHARRINGTON'; Toby jug emblem with 'TOBY ALE'; 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. The pub was demolished by 2015, and the site has been redeveloped. KR photo 2006; Google 2015 Picture

London SE 7

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Charlton, 428 Woolwich Road Antigallican One etched window: 'CHARRINGTON'S ALES'. SP photo 2005 Picture

London SE 7

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Charlton, 757 Woolwich Road Victoria (former) On the fascia above the first floor windows, 'TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & CO. LTD..'. On the fascia between ground and first floors, 'ALES & STOUT - 757 - TRUMAN'S BURTON BEERS'. In a panel on the side elevation, 'TRUMAN'S - TRADE MARK - EAGLE BRAND BEERS' and a large illustration of an eagle in the pre-1925 pattern. On the corner splay above the entrance, the pub name and a second very elaborate eagle. Still standing in 2017 but in a poor condition. CPr 2003; SP photo 2005; KR 2006; Google 2017 Picture

London SE 7

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Charlton, Eastmoor Place Thames Barrier Arms (former) Used as a veterinary surgery since 1997. Relatively modern board sign on the corner splay feature 'WATNEY COMBE REID & CO ... ESTD. 1898'. Sign removed by 2014. This pub has fine bold incised lettering along a parapet: 'NOTED STOUT HOUSE'. SRH photo 2008; Google 2012-2014 Picture

London SE 8

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Deptford, 193 Creek Road Hoy Tiled fascia: the brewery lettering survives but is obscured: 'TRUMAN BURTON BREWED BITTER'. At the top of the corner splay is a letter sign, formerly neon-illuminated: 'TRUMANS'. WRB photo 2007 Picture

London SE 8

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Deptford, 195 Evelyn Street Black Horse Fine ground-floor corner frontage of cream glazed tiles: the tiled fascia has lettering: (1) 'LONDON STOUT ... TRUMANS ... & MILD ALES' (2) 'TRUMANS BURTON ... THE BLACK HORSE ... BREWED BITTER'. Also a Truman's lantern and painted Truman board sign. WRB photo 2007 Picture

London SE 8

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Deptford, 214 Lower Road Farriers Arms High on the north gable end, applied lettering: 'CHARRINGTON ... FARRIERS (A)RMS'. SP photo 2017 Picture

London SE 8

Wenlock Brewery Co Ltd Hoxton, N1 Deptford, 45 High Street Red Lion & Wheatsheaf (former) Former pub, now a cafe. Two tiled panels, maroon lettering on cream. On the parapet: 'WENLOCK BREWERY Co Ltd'. Between the first and second floors, a similar panel with the former pub name. KR photo 2006 Picture

London SE 8

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Deptford, 86 Tanners Hill Royal Standard Above the ground floor fascia, a square red projecting box sign with a gold cockerel. TrC 2023 .

London SE 9

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Eltham, 45 Passey Place Park Tavern Truman's tiling with dark green lettering on cream. Fascias: 'TRUMANS LONDON STOUT ... BURTON BREWED ALES'. A large square panel above the fascia: 'TRUMANS ALES AND STOUT'. SRH photo 2008 Picture

London SE10

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Greenwich, 108 Woolwich Road Angerstein Hotel To an obscure-glazed window facing Woolwich Road, gold lettering: 'COURAGE'. TrC 2023 .

London SE10

Mann, Crossman & Paulin - London & Burton-upon-Trent Greenwich, 19 Park Vista Plume of Feathers An attractive green glazed-brick frontage with leaded windows on the front and side (left) elevations. Three windows feature red-painted 'George and Dragon' logos with the motto 'DECUS ET TUTAMEN'. To the left-hand side of the entrance, there is also a brass oval plaque with 'FINED STAG BITTER' (a more modern Watney beer). TrC photo 2023 Picture

London SE10

Taylor Walker & Co Ltd Limehouse, E14 Greenwich, 2 Blackheath Hill George & Dragon There are hanging signs on both elevations. Both have arched sign frames with the 'cannon' trademark. One has 'TAYLOR WALKER' lettering to the sign. TrC 2023 .

London SE10

Whitbread & Co Ltd London, EC1 Greenwich, 243 Tunnel Avenue Star in the East (former) Pub closed and converted to commecial use. To the tiled left-hand pilaster at ground floor level, a cast iron Whitbread oval, with 'tankard', raised 'W' and 'hind's head' motifs. TrC 2023 .

London SE10

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Greenwich, 300 Creek Road Lord Hood (demolished) An oval metal plaque: 'WATNEYS LONDON BITTER HERE'. Demolished in about 2018 and the site redeveloped. WRB photo 2007; TrC; Google 2018-2019 Picture

London SE10

Mann, Crossman & Paulin - London & Burton-upon-Trent Greenwich, 60 Old Woolwich Road Star of Greenwich (formerly Star & Garter) Internal: to a brick fireplace, an inset Mann, Crossman & Paulin ceramic tile, with 'George and Dragon' motif and 'DECUS ET TUTAMEN'. TrC photo 2023 Picture

London SE10

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Greenwich, 67 Pelton Road Royal Standard A 'WATNEY COMBE REID' roundel above the hanging sign. JSe 2011 .

London SE10

Mann, Crossman & Paulin - London & Burton-upon-Trent Greenwich, 69 King George Street Britannia (former) Converted to residential use. At the centre of each front window, a good surviving Mann Crossman Paulin brewery logo in red: 'DECUS ET TUTAMEN'. TrC 2016 .

London SE10

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Greenwich, 7 College Approach Admiral Hardy Uncovered in about 2019, to the ground floor, a tiled fascia with brown lettering on cream: 'CHARRINGTON'S ... THE ADMIRAL HARDY ... TOBY ALE'. Previously obscured by a modern sign. TrC 2023 .

London SE10

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Greenwich, 72 Royal Hill Prince Albert (renamed Prince of Greenwich) A Courage gold cockerel above the ironwork of the inn sign. WRB photo 2007; TrC 2023 Picture

London SE10

Whitbread & Co Ltd London, EC1 Greenwich, 89 Royal Hill Barley Mow (later The Hill) A pretty mosaic sign at first-floor level on the corner splay, with an illustration reflecting the pub's name. Lettering in 'art nouveau' style: 'Whitbread & Co.' and the original pub name. WRB photo 2007 Picture

London SE11

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Kennington, 1 Bowling Green Street Carpenters Arms (demolished) On the side elevation, a small tiled wall panel incorporating: 'Flying Tankard' emblem; '1757'; 'CHARRINGTON'; Toby jug emblem with 'TOBY ALE'; 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. The pub was demolished by 2012, and the site has been redeveloped for housing. KR photo 2006; Google 2012 Picture

London SE11

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Kennington, 111 Kennington Road Tankard Facing Brook Drive, a tiled Charrington 'Toby' with lettering 'TOBY ALE'. Since our 2007 image, this has been crudely painted over. SRH photo 2007; Google 2019 Picture

London SE11

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Kennington, 146 Newington Butts Cricketers (former) A good example of a large T-shaped (formerly illuminated) box sign: 'TAKE COURAGE'. The pub closed in about 2007 and has been converted into alternative commercial use, but the sign survives (2014). SRH photo 2007; SP photo 2009; TrC 2014 Picture

London SE11

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Kennington, 171 Kennington Road Ship Atop the pole sign, a 'WATNEY COMBE REID - 1898' circle around a 'Stag' device. TrC 2021 .

London SE11

Hoare & Co Ltd London, E1 Kennington, 42 Kennington Park Road Old Red Lion This pub was built by Hoares, just prior to the takeover by Charringtons, and retains internal Toby features. Above the fireplace in both bar and lounge are copper shields, each with a raised 'Toby' image and 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. There are two low connecting doors between the rooms: above one of these is leaded glasswork with a painted 'Toby' and 'TRADE MARK' (above the other is a painted 'red lion'). SP photo 2009 Picture

London SE11

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Kennington, 42 Kennington Park Road Old Red Lion To the top of both sides of the hanging sign: 'CHARRINGTONS'. Above the ground floor's right-hand windows, a projecting lantern with metal rim with 'CHARRINGTONS'. Also internal features from its Hoare's ownership (qv). TrC photo 2018 Picture

London SE11

Allied Breweries - the national brewery conglemerate Kennington, 6 Black Prince Road Black Prince Ex Cannon Brewery, then Ind Coope. Internal. The bar-back canopy features illuminated cut-out lettering in red and yellow: 'DOUBLE ... DD ... DIAMOND'. SP photo 2019 Picture

London SE11

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Lambeth, 71 Black Prince Road Queens Head (former) Converted to a cafe. Two old painted Courage board signs survive at first floor level. SP photo 2019 Picture

London SE11

Bass Worthington Burton-upon-Trent Vauxhall, 355 Kennington Lane Royal Oak An attractive set of Bass Worthington windows. There are three examples of 'BASS (red triangle) ON DRAUGHT'; one with 'Worthington E'; one Bass blue triangle with 'TRADE MARK'; and one with a green Worthington shield including a sword image. Renamed as 'Mc & SONS' in 2023. SRH photo 2007; SP photo 2019; TrC 2023 Picture

London SE11

Wenlock Brewery Co Ltd Hoxton, N1 Vauxhall, 355 Kennington Lane Royal Oak To the left of the front door, a window with blue lettering: 'A WENLOCK HOUSE'. Also Bass Worthington windows. Renamed as 'Mc & SONS' in 2023. Unfortunately the Wenlock window had been replaced by 2014. SRH photo 2007; Google 2014; TrC 2023 Picture

London SE12

Whitbread & Co Ltd London, EC1 Lee, 394 Lee High Road Duke of Edinburgh The metal plate above the hanging sign features a fading transfer image of the Whitbread 'deer' trademark. WRB photo 2007 Picture

London SE13

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Lewisham, 11 Kingswood Place Dacre Arms Within a tiled recess to the ground floor's right-hand side is a rare enamelled polychromatic Courage 'cockerel' motif with 'COURAGE' lettering in blue below. Currently covered by a modern board. TrC 2015 Photo "pubsgalore". Picture

London SE13

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Lewisham, 122 Lewisham Road Sydney Arms Apartments The pub closed in 2010 and converted to residential use. As part of the conversion, original Courage fascia tiling has been exposed and retained: 'LONDON STOUT ... THE SYDNEY ARMS ... ALTON PALE ALE ... LUNCHEONS ... COURAGE'S ... DINNERS ... ALES AND STOUT'. Also a tiled plaque to the ground floor west wall: 'COURAGE'S ALTON PALE ALE'. TrC 2015 .

London SE13

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Lewisham, 181 Lee High Road Woodman (former) Converted to retail by 2015. A Courage gold cockerel survives above the ironwork of the inn sign. Decorative 'WOODMAN' lettering on high-level gables. WRB photo 2007; TrC 2024 Picture

London SE13

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Lewisham, 80 Ladywell Road Ladywell Tavern Ex Hoare & Co. An unusual round lantern featuring 'CHARRINGTON ... EST 1757' around a 'Toby' illustration. WRB photo 2008 Picture

London SE14

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent New Cross, 289 Queens Road Montague Arms Within an upper floor window opening, a tiled panel featuring the Truman 'Black Eagle' in relief, and lettering 'TRUMANS' (on diagonal) ... 'BURTON BREWED BITTER'. There are more recent Whitbread signs. SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE14

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 New Cross, 322 New Cross Road Marquis of Granby Ex Hoare & Co. On the ground floor elevations, two identical tiled panels with the Flying Tankard logo including '1757 ... CHARRINGTON', a 'Toby' in relief with 'TOBY ALE', and lettering 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. SRH photo 2009 Picture

London SE14

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc New Cross, 388 New Cross Road Amersham Arms Between the first and second floor windows, a working illuminated letter sign: 'TAKE COURAGE'. Also a gold Courage 'cockerel' on a bracket on the same elevation. LBa photo 2008; TrC 2015 Picture

London SE14

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent New Cross, 69 Dennetts Road Rising Sun (former) The end wall has an unusually shaped 'Dutch' gable with a large tiled sign: 'THE RISING SUN ... TRUMAN'S ... BURTON . BREWED . BITTER'. Converted to flats. DK 2003; KR photo 2006 Picture

London SE14

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc New Cross, 74 Woodpecker Road Spanish Steps An estate pub - boarded up 2012-on. A square red projecting box sign with a gold cockerel. TrC 2015 .

London SE15

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Peckham - Nunhead, 2 Nunhead Green Man of Kent A brick corner pub by A E Sewell for Trumans, 1930s. Above a ground-floor window is a Truman eagle in a roundel. KR photo 2007 Picture

London SE15

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Peckham - Nunhead, 40 Stuart Road Stuart Arms (later Ivy House) Probably by A E Sewell for Trumans, ca. 1936. Two roundels on the frontage with Truman eagles. A listed building. KR 2007 .

London SE15

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Peckham, 109 Peckham High Street Greyhound Uncovered during a refurbishment in about 2014, original cream tiling with dark brown lettering to the fascia: 'FINE ALES ... CHARRINGTON'S ... AND STOUT ... THE GREYHOUND ... ALES ... CHARRINGTON'S ... STOUT'. Also a board sign at high level on the north end wall with: 'CHARRINGTON ALES'. There is also a 'Toby' image on a board sign at second floor level on the corner splay. Google 2014 and 2019; TrC 2019 .

London SE15

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Peckham, 57 Nunhead Lane Edinburgh Castle A large pub by A E Sewell for Trumans, 1930s. On the fascia are three roundels featuring the Truman eagle, and there is a larger one at first-floor level on the corner splay. KR photo 2006 Picture

London SE15

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Peckham, 720 Old Kent Road Drovers Arms Little obvious Truman "identity" but a small moulded eagle remains on the left-hand side above a ground floor window. KR 2008 .

London SE16

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Bermondsey, 282 Southwark Park Road Ancient Foresters To either side of the ground floor left-hand windows, two small roundels with 'stag' motifs and 'WATNEY COMBE REID - 1898'. TrC 2023 .

London SE16

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermondsey, 96 Jamaica Road Gregorian Arms To the left and right sides of the fascia: 'COURAGE' painted in white cursive script. TrC 2021 .

London SE16

Courage Ltd - London, Bristol, etc Bermonsey, 148 Southwark Park Road Queen Victoria Two etched windows at the front with painted Courage cockerels - one in good condition, the other disappearing. SP 2017 .

London SE16

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Bermonsey, 251 Southwark Park Road Blue Anchor There are five surviving 'ALES ... COURAGE ... STOUT' windows. Google indicates that these had been replaced with clear glazing by 2012. SRH photo 2007; Google 2012 Picture

London SE16

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Bermonsey, 68 Southwark Park Road Rose & Crown (former) This pub is closed and in residential use. It retains a Truman's 'eagle' in a roundel on the ground floor facing Southwark Park Road. SRH photo 2007; Google 2016 Picture

London SE16

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Rotherhithe, 20 Albion Street Albion This pub - built 1928 - retains a large illuminated COURAGE sign at first floor level, formerly lit with neon tubing. It also has several uses of the word Courage on the ground floor fascia, a red cockerel sign and a gold cockerel on the hanging pub sign. SRH photo 2006 Picture

London SE16

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Rotherhithe, 234 Jamaica Road Boatman (formerly Royal George) (demolished) At the top of the corner splay, a letter sign with 'TAKE COURAGE'. Demolished ca.2017. WRB photo 2007; TrC 2022 Picture

London SE16

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Rotherhithe, 32 Rotherhithe New Road Crystal Tavern (former) Closed in the 1970s. Converted to a religious premises. To the Rotherhithe Old Road and Rotherhithe New Road fascias, two red Courage box signs with gold 'cockerel' motifs. TrC 2023 .

London SE16

Wenlock Brewery Co Ltd Hoxton, N1 Rotherhithe, 47 Swan Road Adam & Eve (renamed Brunel) Corner pub with stone parapet and fascia at roof level. Around both sides, lettering in relief: 'THE WENLOCK BREWERY Co Ltd' (corner) 'THE WENLOCK BREWERY Co Ltd'. The date 1913 additionally appears on the Brunel Road side. PM 2003; SRH photo 2006; John Brown 2018 Picture

London SE16

Mann, Crossman & Paulin - London & Burton-upon-Trent Rotherhithe, 56 Albion Street Little Crown A good large tiled panel on the ground floor frontage. The outside is dark green with some decoration and the pub name in gold. In the centre is an oval in dark red tiles - rather like a bottle label - with lettering: 'MANN CROSMANN & PAULIN Ld ... BROWN ALE ... CELEBRATED' plus a trademark illustration. In November 2006, the pub was closed and boarded up; still the case in 2020. SRH photo 2006; Google 2020 Picture

London SE16

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Rotherhithe, 68 Canon Beck Road Lord Nelson (former) Although converted to residential accommodation, the original black-glazed fascia survives. It retains white lettering: 'WATNEYS ALES ... THE LORD NELSON ... REIDS STOUT' (corner) 'REID'S STOUT ... THE LORD NELSON ... COMBE'S BROWN ALE'. SRH photo 2007; Google 2016 Picture

London SE16

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Rotherhithe, 94 Bermondsey Wall East Old Justice A hanging sign with 'CHARRINGTON' lettering. On the side elevation is a small oval plaque with a 'Toby' illustration and 'CHARRINGTON ... ESTABLISHED 1757'. To the fascias, four Charrington's lanterns with 'CHARRINGTON', 'Toby' motif and 'ESTABLISHED 1757'. Above a fireplace to the right of the entrance, a relief with 'Toby' motif and 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. SP 2017; TrC photo 2023 Picture

London SE17

Wenlock Brewery Co Ltd Hoxton, N1 Walworth, 115 Brandon Street Crown A corner pub with a fine red-tiled frontage and a tiled fascia - maroon lettering on cream: 'WENLOCK ALES ... THE CROWN ... WENLOCK STOUT ... WENLOCK ALES & STOUT'. Also the Charrington's name and Toby motifs to the lanterns and an oval Charrington's plaque to the left of the Brandon Street entrance. Unfortunately, this pub was demolished in 2014 for redevelopment of the site. Google 2008 and 2012; LMi photo 2010; TrC 2018 Picture

London SE17

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Walworth, 204 Walworth Road Kings Head (former) This pub is now closed and in retail use. It retains brown glazed bricks around the ground floor exterior and on the side (Manor Place) frontage are two tiled plaques with 'REID'S STOUT' and 'WATNEY'S ALES'. SRH photo 2007 Picture

London SE17

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Walworth, 226 Hillingdon Street Royal Standard (former) Ex Hoare & Co. Possibly no longer in pub use. Shuttered. A tiled panel about the main door incorporates '1757', 'CHARRINGTON' and the 'flying tankard'. There are also two 'Toby' panels - on the front and right-hand elevations - with the 'flying tankard' and 'THE HOUSE OF TOBY'. DIn 2011 .

London SE17

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Walworth, 35 Hampton Street Hampton Court Palace (former) Closed 2014 and converted to a hotel. At first floor facing Hampton Street, a Truman's board sign with 'Eagle' motif and: 'TRUMAN ... BEERS AND ALES ... LONDON BREWERS SINCE 1666 ... TRUMAN HANBURY & BUXTON'. TrC 2014 .

London SE17

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent Walworth, 407 Walworth Road Red Lion Large pub by A E Sewell for Trumans, 1930s. Two vertical stone panels including 'TRUMAN'S ESTd 1666' and the trademark 'eagle'. Stone fascia around two elevations with lettering: 'LONDON AND ... TRUMAN'S ... BURTON BEERS ... BURTON BREWED BITTER ... TRUMANS ... LONDON MILD ALES'. Truman lanterns. GB 2003; DK 2003; SRH photo 2007; JSe photo 2011 Picture

London SE17

Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd - Stag Brewery, Pimlico; and Mortlake Brewery Walworth, 42 Merrow Street Queen Elizabeth Interior: the top-piece to the bar-back has cut-out illuminated lettering in red: 'WELCOME TO THIS WATNEY HOUSE'. Rebuilt in 1955 by Watneys. Camra 2019 .

London SE17

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Walworth, 51 Lorrimore Road Duke of Sutherland A painted name board to the side elevation with Toby illustration and 'CHARRINGTON'. DIn 2011 .

London SE17

Barclay Perkins & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Walworth, 60 Carter Street Beehive The painted name board at first-floor level has the Dr Johnson logo of the Barclay Perkins Brewery. DIn 2011 .

London SE18

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Woolwich, 1 Brookhill Road Lord Clyde (demolished) This former Charrington's pub had several surviving etched windows, including two with 'CHARRINGTON'S' and one with 'TOBY ALE'. The pub was demolished by 2016, and the site has been redeveloped for housing. SRH photo 2009; Google 2016 Picture

London SE18

Charrington & Co Ltd Mile End, E1 Woolwich, 83 Brookhill Road Walpole Arms This former Charrington's pub has been converted to a hairdresser's salon, with residential use above. The original parapet has been retained and on the north facing side this has, in deeply incised lettering and rather rare, 'CHARRINGTON HEAD & Co's ENTIRE'. SRH 2009 .

London SE19

Courage & Co Ltd Southwark, SE1 Crystal Palace, 2 Church Road Cambridge (former) A wedge-shaped Victorian pub with a fine decorative tiled frontage. On the Westow Hill elevation, an etched window with painted gold lettering: 'ALES ... COURAGE ... STOUT'. At first floor level, both elevations feature a relatively modern board sign with the Courage cockerel, and 'COURAGE FINE ALES ... Established 1787'. Courage signs removed by 2015. Google 2009; WRB photo 2010; Google 2015 Picture

London SE22

Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co Ltd - London & Burton-upon-Trent East Dulwich, 108 Forest Hill Road Forest Hill Tavern A tiled panel with the Truman eagle in a roundel, plus 'TRUMAN HANBURY BUXTON & Co ltd ... ESTd. 1666'. A black glass plaque with 'TRUMAN'S' diagonal lettering; a coloured illustration of the eagle to the left, and 'Estd 1666' to the right. One surviving frosted window with 'TRUMANS' in gold lettering. All of these features are thought to date from a 1930s remodelling. KR photo 2007 Picture

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